Shuttle Run


The shuttle run is a test item on the NAPFA test and consists of a 4 x 10 m attempt where the student runs along a 10 m strip four times. Majority of students in Singapore usually do not have a problem with this station. The shuttle run station tests for speed and agility and is also a popular training technique for sports which involve short bursts of speed.

Shuttle Run Technique

Simply developing better technique will guarantee improvement in a short span of time. Utilising an efficient turning technique will minimize any wasted time and energy during the turning phase. As you come in to the turn, time it so that only one hand picks up the small block, and turn sharply, not following a wide arc which will mean more distance traveled. You should drop your hips slightly as you turn, and push off strongly for the first few strides to get up to pace. When you get near the next stop reduce your pace and  time it so only one hand drops the block just over the line. Repeat the sharp turn and run to the next block repeating the same procedure. On your last lap sprint to the finish without stopping. Run efficiently to conserve energy and improve timing, run with your shoulders relaxed and running tall. Ensure your shoes are tied tightly for proper support and prevention of ankle injuries

Shuttle Run Training

To do well for this station you need to develop your acceleration, speed and your anaerobic fitness. In essence this means you must basically train for speed and power which does not entail any long periods of endurance exercises but short bursts of intense activity.

Here are some drills you can use to improve shuttle run speed:

Shuttle run (Shuttle run practice in itself is a specific training activity)
Bounding (taking huge leaping strides)

Heel flicks (put your hands on your bottom and try to kick your hands with your heels)

High knees (jogging with your knees as high as you can)

Short sprints (sprinting over short distances ranging from 10-30 m)

Shuttle Run Training Programme

For this weekly program the emphasis is not on endurance but intensity. The drills should be done as hard and as fast as possible.

Monday- Shuttle Run 4 X 10m 6 sets 1 minute interval between sets

Tuesday- Short Sprints 10 X 20m walking back to starting point and repeat

Wednesday- High Knee Lifts10 X 10m walking back to starting point and repeat

Thursday- Heel Kicks 10 X 10m walking back to starting point and repeat

Friday- Bounding 10 X 20m walking back to starting point and repeat

Saturday- Short Sprints 2 X 10m, 2 X 20m, 2 X 30m, 2 X 20m, 2 X 10m walking back to starting point and repeat

Sunday- Rest

For a more comprehensive and physically demanding program there is the option of incorporating the training for the shuttle run into the standing broad jump training programme.