Standing Broad Jump


This is one of the stations alot of Singaporeans have difficulty in attaining a passing mark in the National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA) Test. The standing broad jump can trace its roots back to the Olympic games where it was an Olympic event until 1912. The standing broad jump also known as the standing long jump is a basically a test of explosive leg power and it is still used as an index of measurement during the NFL combine scouting camp.

Standing Broad Jump Technique

Although the standing broad jump is a measure of explosive leg power, proper technique can help maximise the length achieved for each jump. The takeoff angle is one of the major technique variables. Masaki Wakai studied the effects of takeoff angle on performance in the standing long jump. The aim was to determine the optimum takeoff angle and to analyse the underlying biomechanics of the standing broad jump.

Performance in the standing long jump is assesed by the total jump distance, which is the horizontal distance from takeoff line to the mark made by the closest part of the body at landing. The total jump distance is the sum of three component distances; takeoff distance, flight distance, and landing distance (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The three component distances.

The takeoff angle that maximises the jump distance is not 45°, as predicted from a simplistic application of the equation for the range of a projectile in free flight,

In the standing long jump, both the takeoff speed, v, and the height difference between takeoff and landing, h, vary with changes in takeoff angle. To calculate the optimum takeoff angle, the measured relations between takeoff speed, height difference, and takeoff angle must be inserted into the equation.

For all five subjects, the takeoff speed decreased with increasing takeoff angle (Figure 2). This decrease arises because as the takeoff angle is raised, a greater fraction of the jumper’s muscular force is required to overcome the weight the body, and so less force is spent accelerating the body. The takeoff speed at high takeoff angles is therefore not as great as at low takeoff angles. The decrease in takeoff velocity reduces the optimum takeoff angle to well below 45°. (This phenomenon occurs in other projectile sports, such as the shot put.)

Figure 2. Decrease in takeoff speed with increasing takeoff angle.

In the standing long jump, the flight distance is the largest component of the total jump distance. However, the takeoff and landing distances also make significant contributions. Both the takeoff and landing distances decrease with increasing takeoff angle, and so further reducing the angle results in thoptimum takeoff angle (Figure 3). In the standing long jump the optimum takeoff angle is not 45°, but under 30°.

 Figure 3. Dependence of jump distance and the component distances on takeoff angle.

In summary a key technical improvement which can be made to improve standing broad jump is a take off angle of around 30°  so throw yourself forward for distance!

All above information above was adapted from Nick Linthorne of Brunel University @

Standing Broad Jump Training

Now we have an overview of optimum technique and take off angles for the standing broad jump. We come to the next stage of improving your standing broad jump which is in essence a power based activity. Being a power based activity where the components of power are made up of strength and speed, logically if both strength and speed were to increase a corresponding increase in power and hence standing broad jump distance would be seen. Exercises to improve strength with weights include squats, dumbbell lunges and standing calf raises. Exercises to improve power with weights include power cleans and snatches. Pylometric exercises such as tuck jumps, depth jumps and running jumps improve both strength and power and thus is a popular training method. However research has shown a combination of weight training coupled with pylometrics produce optimal gains in standing broad jump results.


Power Cleans

Tuck Jumps

Barbell Lunges

Standing Broad Jump Training Programme

A standing broad jump training programme should not only focus on developing leg power since it has been documented that the arms actually contribute around 10% to take off velocity. This means the training programme should actually incorporate exercises which develop arm power which contributes to standing broad jump performance.

Below is a sample weekly training program which combines weight training and pylometrics to optimise performance gains.

Monday-Weight Training

Use the heaviest possible weight which allows you to do the required number of repititions.

Power Cleans 3 X 8

Squats 3 X 8

Dumbbell Lunges 3 X 8

Bench Press 3 X 8

Lats Pull Down 3 X 8

Crunches 3 X 8

Tuesday-Pylometric Training

Tuck Jumps 3 X 10

Running Jumps 3 X 10

Depth Jumps 3 X 10

Bounding 3 X 10


Thursday-Weight Training as per Monday

Friday-Pylometric Training as per Tuesday



For a more comprehensive and physically demanding program there is the option of incorporating the training for the shuttle run into the standing broad jump training programme.