Sit ups

One-Minute Sit-ups

A NAPFA test item of  the strength and endurance of your abdominal muscles and hip flexors and since it lasts around a minute it predominantly uses your ATP-PC and lactic acid systems in your abdominal region.

It is done by laying flat on your back, knees bent, feet on the ground. With fingers behind your ears, sit up till your elbows meet your knee. During the sit-ups, your feet are supported by your partner.

How to train: 

1. Doing sit ups as fast as you can for 1 minute and then resting until completely recovered before starting again on the next set for 4 sets. You should be able to do about the same number for each set otherwise it means you have not recovered.

2. A similar approach to sit ups except doing crunches for variety and emphasis on different abdominal muscle groups.

3. Once again a similar approach to sit ups except doing leg lifts for variety and emphasis on different abdominal muscle groups.